Object REXX

The Rexx Language Association
Common Public License Version 1.0
Active since
Linux, macOS, Windows, Solaris, AIX

Introduction to Object REXX

Object REXX, or Object-oriented REXX, is an extension of the classic REXX (Restructured Extended Executor) programming language. Originally developed by IBM, Object REXX builds on the simplicity and ease of use of its predecessor by incorporating object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts. This allows for greater modularity, reusability, and organization of code, making it easier to manage large and complex applications.

One of the notable features of Object REXX is its backward compatibility with classic REXX, ensuring that existing REXX scripts can run without modification while offering the benefits of object-oriented capabilities for new development. This dual capability makes it an attractive option for organizations that have significant investments in REXX-based systems but are looking to modernize their software architecture.

Object REXX also emphasizes simplicity and readability, which are hallmarks of the REXX language family. Its syntax is designed to be intuitive and easy to learn, making it accessible for both novice and experienced programmers. The language supports dynamic typing, automatic memory management, and a rich set of built-in functions, all of which contribute to its efficiency and flexibility.

Main usages of Object REXX

Object REXX is widely used for scripting and automation tasks, making it a valuable tool for system administrators and IT professionals. Its ease of use enable the automation of repetitive tasks such as file manipulation, system monitoring, and job scheduling. With Object REXX, users can write scripts that interact with the operating system and various applications, easing workflows and improving efficiency.

In addition to automation, Object REXX is often employed in the development of enterprise applications. Its object-oriented features allow for the creation of modular and maintainable code, which is essential for large-scale software projects. Organizations with legacy REXX systems can leverage Object REXX to modernize their applications, gradually incorporating object-oriented principles without a complete rewrite. This capability is particularly beneficial in financial services, insurance, and other industries where REXX has traditionally been used for business-critical applications.

Furthermore, Object REXX serves as an effective tool for rapid prototyping and development. Its interpretive nature allows developers to test and iterate on their code quickly, making it ideal for exploring new ideas and validating concepts. This feature is beneficial in research and development environments, where flexibility and speed are paramount. Additionally, Object REXX's integration capabilities with other programming languages and systems enhance its versatility. It can be used to glue together components written in different languages, acting as a bridge that facilitates data exchange between disparate systems.

Authors of Object REXX

Simon C. Nash is a significant figure in the development of Object REXX, having played a crucial role in its creation and evolution. As a software engineer at IBM, Nash was deeply involved in the design and implementation of Object REXX, working alongside other prominent developers such as Mike Cowlishaw. His expertise in object-oriented programming and his experience with the original REXX language positioned him as a key contributor to the project. Nash's work was instrumental in transforming REXX into a more modern and versatile programming language by integrating object-oriented features, which expanded its capabilities and appeal to a broader range of applications.

Current developers of Object REXX

The development of Object REXX has transitioned from its origins at IBM to the hands of the open-source community, which continues to advance and maintain the language. This transition was marked by IBM's decision to release Object REXX as open-source software under the Common Public License in 2004. This shift enabled a broader group of developers to contribute to its evolution, ensuring that the language could adapt to new technological demands and user needs.

Currently, the development and maintenance of Object REXX are overseen by the Rexx Language Association (RexxLA), a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the REXX family of programming languages. RexxLA coordinates contributions from individual developers and teams who volunteer their time and skills to enhance the language. These contributors work on bug fixes, performance improvements, and the implementation of new features.

Key contributors to the ongoing development of Object REXX include experienced developers who have a long-standing commitment to the language as well as new programmers who bring fresh ideas and perspectives. These developers engage in a range of activities, from writing and reviewing code to creating documentation and providing user support. Their collective efforts ensure that Object REXX remains a viable and powerful tool for scripting, automation, and application development.

Package management systems used in Object REXX

There are no popular package management systems available online for the Object REXX programming language.

Frameworks used in Object REXX

There are no popular frameworks available online for the Object REXX programming language.

Static and dynamic analysis tools used in Object REXX

There are no popular static and dynamic analysis tools available online for the Object REXX programming language.

Testing tools used in Object REXX

There are no popular testing tools available online for the Object REXX programming language.